Thursday, December 28, 2006

We are finally the proud owners of...

a Wii. After calling about 50 stores daily for the last three weeks, Todd finally happened upon a shipment of about 20 Wiis, his birthday present, at a nearby Best Buy. He is so used to people saying no that he is just glad he didn't stop listening or hang up before the sales clerk delivered the wondorous news! By the time he got there (about a 15 minute drive from his work) there were only seven left. Crazy if you ask me, but I'm just a girl who prefers to get excited about Scrapbook embellishments rather than small electronic boxes. I will tell you that we both ran the fitness simulation to test what the WII thinks our fitness level is (20 years being the best). We both scored at 71 years. I guess we will have to work on that...


Rick Williamson said...

May I be the first to say, "Ha-Wii!!!" Back in my day, all we had to play with was a hunk of rope - and we liked it.

the Tyrant said...

Nice! Mike just went out to pick up his Xbox 360 today. Boys - they never grow up do they? :-P

Anonymous said...

sw-I am so glad that has finally come to a happy end. See you this weekend. Mom

DcD said...

Sweet! - I think we need to plan another trip to OKC... =)