Saturday, July 29, 2006

Peer Pressure

Soo... all my friends from college have these blogs and after reading some of them I decided I have to have one too. What else is new, Todd would say. So I will give it a whirl. To catch everyone up... Todd and I will be celebrating our 4th anniversary this September, Emmalyn will be two and a half, and Blake is now 3 months old! I have been working non-stop as a campaign manager for a State House race and on Tuesday, the Republican Primary, my candidate made it into the runoff. Yeah! Now I condense what I did over the last 9 months into three and a half weeks. Needless to say I can't wait till August 22nd arrives and I can go back to being just a mother and a wife!

1 comment:

Leah said...

Welcome to the Blogging World!! I, for one, am glad you gave in! Now you just need to post a few interior pictures of the house and some close up pics of the kiddos!
