Saturday, July 29, 2006

Nothing Like Moving in July in Oklahoma

Old House

For those of you who have not made it out to Oklahoma to visit, this was our first house. Built in 1939 it had beautiful wood floors and an arched doorway among other neat little quirks, but it certainly was a fixer upper! We will miss the house, but more so the memories. This was where we lived when we had no children, I threw up for 8 months straight, brought my babies home to, and entertained my family and friends. May the young couple who bought it be blessed as much as we were there and have wonderful memories when they move on.

New House

We moved into our new house 4th of July weekend and unpacked everything but the garage (which is still not unpacked). We have certainly been having to get use to the amount of space we have now. It seems to take forever to get to the phone when it is ringing!


DcD said...

Sweeet! Congrats on the new place. Of course, you had to move close to a mall, right!!?? ;)

We look froward to the next time we can come visit!

Don't forget you can come visit us out East anytime!

the Tyrant said...

I just found your post - apparently mike's known about it for a while... Hurrah! congrats!