Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time Flies By...

It doesn't seem like we have done much this summer, but it is already half way over! We have been to Branson for a great trip with Todd's parents, birthdays have been celebrated, swimming lessons successfully accomplished, the kid's rooms painted bright and fun colors & most importantly I have slowly gotten bigger and bigger. This summer has certainly not been one of our hotest, but I can hardly stand to be outside in the heat without starting to feel sick. I have just hit 28 weeks and have 3 months left - an eternity or what seems like an eternity. Emmalyn and Blake are very excited about the baby. They have nicknamed him Crabby. Interesting I know, but it gives them some ownership and thankfully Emmalyn has agreed that it is a good "nickname". We are still working on the actual name...

1 comment:

Rick Williamson said...