Monday, February 12, 2007


Thank you to all, parents and sisters, for watching, entertaining, keeping track, etc. of our two precious children while we were away. Even though we missed our kiddos tremendously, some time spent with each other and other adults sans kids was a wonderful break from our very busy lives. We enjoyed two days of skiing at the Angel Fire Ski Resort. I only fell three times and Todd took a few more tumbles then can be remembered. The only difference between the two of us is that once I fell I chose not to go down those slopes anymore; Todd continued to be "adventuresome". Difference in personalities I suppose! Todd did, however, almost get ran over by a buck that decided to sprint across the slope just as Todd was passing through. You just don't see those kind of things very often. We are glad to be home! Thanks again to everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We would not have it any other way. We are always there to help out anytime you need us. It was so much fun to be with those two great kids. So glad you got to spend some very special time together. Mom